Unlock Healing Potential: How Acupuncture Works to Reverse Nerve Damage
Does acupuncture help nerve pain? Absolutely. It works directly on the nervous system - it's what it does and how it works.
Of course, there are limitations. Treatment success depends on if we can address the underlying cause.
After a traumatic injury, nerves may be crushed or severed. At first, you may end up in an emergency room or in the care of a physician.
Once your condition is stable, this is an ideal time to see an acupuncturist. Some of the weird things we do can make a big difference in your recovery. I've even seen acupuncture help with phantom limb pain.
Treating scar tissue is really important.
When a nerve is severed, even after the skin has stitched itself back together, those nerves may be confused. They may not be getting the correct messages to your brain.
Especially if a scar is sensitive or raised in comparison to the surrounding skin surface, we need to address it with acupuncture. The needles go around and underneath the scar to stimulate those nerves to reconnect properly with the rest of your nervous system.
Other types of injury
Injuries that don't leave a scar can shake up the nervous system as well. Whiplash, concussions, or even a twisted ankle can leave lasting damage. Acupuncture can help reintegrate the damaged or confused nerves to work better.
Honestly, these are the easiest types of nerve issues to deal with. Especially if you started out with a relatively healthy body.
Blood Sugar Instability (Diabetes)
This is a little more challenging because it requires some additional support for lifestyle changes (read: upgrades).
It's complicated because different factors can lead to the neuropathy.
Excess weight means more pressure on the blood vessels and less circulation. That's a fact. No amount of needles can change that, although acupuncture can be a part of a regimen to help you lose the excess weight.
Too much glucose in your bloodstream leads to fatty deposits in your vessels as well. Again, not enough circulation.
But this is fix-able! You just need to be willing to eat different foods and move your body in different ways.
Have you downloaded our free Healthy Cooking Cookbook yet? If you're looking for ideas and know-how in eating healthier, this is a great place to start.
Pressure on a Nerve
This is probably the most common underlying cause of neuropathy. Often I hear people self-diagnosing "it feels like a pinched nerve" coming from their back or neck.
Issues like carpel tunnel, sciatica, or tingling or numbness in the fingers or toes can stem from misalignment in the posture. Sitting at a weird angle at work, bending incorrectly to lift things, or forward neck posture could lead to serious problems if not addressed.
It could even be something left over from a whiplash or concussion from years ago.
Again, this is fix-able. Acupuncture can help alleviate the symptoms of nerve damage. Cupping is helpful for breaking up the "knots" in the muscle from a prolonged issue and stagnation.
If we can correct any underlying postural issue, even better. The pains are less likely to return then.
Auto-Immune Challenges
This is one of the most complicated causes of nerve damage. Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, or Sjoren's Syndrome are some examples. I will even include Cancer in this group.
Certain acupuncture points help modulate the immune system. In particular, the Large Intestine and Stomach channels ("Yang-Ming" for you acu-nerds) help you transform food into Qi, Energy, and blood cells so your immune system can do what it needs to do.
In cases where I've seen drastic improvements or sometimes complete reversal of AI, we figure out which of these 3 things we need to address.
1. food sensitivities
2. toxins (heavy metals, chemicals, etc.)
3. covert pathogens
While acupuncture can help address the symptoms and your immune functioning, to make the biggest changes, we also need to figure out the underlying cause OF the underlying cause!
Underlying Food Sensitivities
I made this free handout to help you diagnose and treat food sensitivities.
The most common ones are: wheat (gluten), dairy, eggs, peanuts, shellfish, soy, and nightshade vegetables. In short, what we recommend is taking out the suspected foods for at least 21 days. Then, you re-introduce those foods, one at a time, waiting at least 3 days to see if any symptoms flare back up.
Toxic Burden
If you have chemical sensitivities, the first step is to reduce toxin exposure. It's time to "go hippy."
Get rid of the toxic household cleaners (you know - the strong-smelling stuff). It's amazing how well just regular old white vinegar and water can work. Also, check out this cleaner from Young Living. It kills pathogens, smells great, and is all-natural.
Toss the perfume, cologne, and scented soaps, lotions, and other products - you don't need it! There are plenty of more natural things these days that work just as well.
Buy organic produce or soak your conventional produce before eating. Eliminate non-organic animal proteins from your diet completely!
Instead of spraying your home for bugs every month, only treat when necessary. And try to use a less-toxic chemical if possible.
Eating more fiber, drinking more water, and sweating a little bit every day are essential to reducing your toxic load as well.
Hidden Pathogens
We need to address any covert pathogens hiding in your body. Or at least work toward it. I won't lie - it's challenging. These guys know how to hide from your immune system, that's why they cause it to flare up!
Examples are bacteria like borrelia which causes lyme disease, salmonella, as well as viruses and parasites.
We use acupuncture points for immune system health, as well as herbs that help kill and eliminate pathogens, and support your immune system.
Other Helpful Things for Nerve Pain
Try taking a food-based B-complex. It certainly can't hurt! Especially if you regularly drink alcohol, are under a lot of stress, or take medications. These conditions use more B-vitamins and thus require an increased intake. A B-12 deficiency can lead to neuropathy.
Turmeric may provide some relief as well. It helps reduce inflammation, expel toxins, and improve circulation.
Heat allows for better circulation. Cold contracts -- blood vessels too! Try a warm bath, wearing socks or slippers around the house, and make sure the back of your neck stays warm.
Exercise. Especially therapeutic exercise designed to help improve posture and circulation. Let me know if you need any help in this area.
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