Acupuncture and Other Natural Treatment for Knee Pain
Acupuncture saved my own knees years ago.
It's been used for thousands of years to relieve pain, so of course it works.
Along the way, I also discovered some other techniques that help keep your knees mobile, strong, and resilient.
One important thing to remember when you're standing, is to keep a subtle bend in your knees.
I had no idea that when I was standing, doing the dishes or whatever, I was locking my knees out.
Once I realized it, I made a conscious effort to re-train my muscle memory to do something different.

When we lock our knees, especially when one knee is locked out and the other one is just "hanging," we lose our optimal alignment.
Ideally, when you're standing in line or where ever, make sure there's a slight bend in both knees. From there, stack your spine up straight.

The next time you wait in line, look at other people's posture.
Most people do lock one or both knees while standing.
This is a recipe for future (knee, ankle, hip, foot, etc.) pain disasters.