Natural Health Center Blog

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When Yoga Goes Wrong: Common Yoga Posture Mistakes That Can Hurt You

I looove yoga, y'all.

In this video, I explain the basics of cat/cow pose.  The undulation...

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5 Posture Mistakes That Hurt Your Back, Knees, and Hips

Standing, walking, sitting, bending, and sleeping postures all have room for...

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Everything I Know About Posture, I Learned in Tango

I started doing tango in 2019.  It caught my attention as a "sport" because it's...

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How Good Sitting Posture Can Prevent Pain

Ideally, when we sit down, that should be a time to rest, recover, and not have...

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Stretch and Strengthen Your Neck with This Easy Core Exercise

Ever since I got into a fender-bender years ago I've had a spot on my neck that likes to...

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6 Unique Ways to Relieve Foot Pain

We don’t think about our feet that much ... until they hurt.  

Tight or...

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